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Đồ án kỳ 5 | 3D Animation | Lớp D2012M1
(Arena Multimedia | 43R/12 Hồ Văn Huê, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP. Hồ Chí Minh)
At the end of a good student competition, YEN ran home, two hand holding the certificate of merit and trophy his team just received. He opened the door, looked inside and heard it many voices. Entering the kitchen, he saw his parents arguing. Memories of times when parents argued, times when they were bullied. The times when he was abandoned came back, YEN sat down and realized. You've already crumpled up the cer- tificate of appreciation. His hand grabbed the paper, shaking violently, knocking everything on the table leam on the ground. He collapsed on the table, sobbing. The crying gradually stopped. YEN was so tired, he fell asleep without realizing it. In the dream, he stood in front of the house again, holding the phone trophy and certificate of merit. This time, he entered the house, the space was unusually quiet. (The house's atmosphere is fresh) YEN met her parents happily cooking together in the kitchen. YEN couldn't believe his eyes, he walked over to hug his father mother, but space broke into pieces, you falling. Opening his eyes. YEN realized he had fallen asleep on the floor. Crawling up, he noticed a prominent yellowed piece of paper In the messy (white) document paper that he threw down Just now. He picked up the letter, it was the letter he wrote to his life close 5 years ago. YEN read the letter and realized his own achievements. What he achieves (studies, sports...) is all driven by his own motivation himself, and he has become much more mature.
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Giảng viên hướng dẫn: thầy Nguyễn Phạm Phi Vân